Falling Over You

Shadows and Soul

Falling Over You

Shadows and Soul


Shadows and Soul


Shadows and Soul

My Love

Shadows and Soul


Shadows and Soul

Shadows and Soul

Haruto stood at the edge of a precipice, his silhouette stark against the backdrop of a crimson sky. His thoughts were a tempest, swirling with memories of battles fought and loves lost. Below, the howls of the wolf echoed through the valley, a haunting reminder of the trials yet to come.

In the quiet of the evening, Haruto’s mind drifted back to simpler times, to moments of joy and serenity. He remembered the soft rustle of bamboo leaves, the gentle melody of birdsong, and the warmth of Airi's laughter as they walked hand in hand along the tranquil paths of their youth. But those memories seemed distant now, overshadowed by the weight of his duty and the specter of his greatest adversary, Ryuji.

The fight with Ryuji had been long and arduous, a clash of wills and blades that had tested Haruto to his very core. In the end, it was Haruto who emerged victorious, but the cost of that victory weighed heavily upon him. As he fled from the battlefield, pursued by the shadows of his past, he knew that his journey was far from over.

Alone amidst the ruins of a forgotten temple, Haruto grappled with the pain and anguish that gnawed at his soul. He sought solace in the silence, hoping to find redemption for the sins of his past. But the path to peace eluded him, obscured by doubt and uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Airi waited, her heart heavy with worry and longing. Unable to bear the thought of losing Haruto to the darkness that consumed him, she ventured forth in search of her beloved. With each step, she whispered prayers for his safety, her love a beacon of hope in the gathering gloom.

And then, in a moment of clarity, Haruto heard her voice echoing in the depths of his despair. It was the sound of her love, pure and unwavering, that pulled him back from the brink. With renewed purpose, he set forth to find his way back to her, guided by the light of their shared bond.

As Haruto and Airi were reunited at last, their hearts overflowed with joy and relief. In each other's arms, they found the strength to face whatever trials lay ahead, knowing that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any obstacle.

And so, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon, Haruto and Airi vowed to never again let fear or doubt come between them. For theirs was a love that defied all odds, a bond forged in the fires of adversity, and destined to endure for all eternity.